(perubahan waktu)
Soal – soal yang berhubungan langsung dengan materi gramatical English / aturan kebahasaan seperti tenses, question word, question tag, dll, pada UN 2008 tidak saya temukan, namun untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik, sebaiknya materi – materi gramatical English / aturan – aturan kebahasaan dalam bahasa inggris tetap dipelajarai.
Tanpa mengesampingkan bentuk tenses yang lain, pertanyaan tentang tenses yang sering sekali muncul dalam Ujian Nasional SMP adalah pertanyaan tentang penggunaan Verb dalam tenses Simple Present tense, simple past tense dan present continuous tense.
Pertanyaan biasanya akan muncul dari sebuah dialog pendek atau paragraph pendek. Langkah – langkah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menjawab adalah:
- Analisis dahulu pilihan jawabannya. Pebedaan apa yang muncul dari pilihan jawaban tersebut.
- Jika pada pilihan ganda terdapat perbedaan penggunaan tenses, maka:
ü Tidak perlu mengartikan text ataupun dialog dalam soal, tapi setelah mengetahui perbedaan tenses antar pilihan ganda tersebut maka analisislah penggunaan tenses pada kalimat yang utuh dalam soal (kalimat yang ada pertanyaan/titik2nya) dengan melihat verb/to be yang dipakai atau keterangan waktunya.
ü Jika kata yang hilang dalam soal yang berbentuk dialog berada di 'kalimat jawaban' maka jawabannya akan menggunakan tenses yang sama dengan 'kalimat pertanyaan' yang biasanya berada di atasnya, demikian juga sebaliknya.
ü Jika kata yang hilang berada dalam soal yang bebentuk text, maka jawabannya pastilah menggunakan tenses yang sama dengan kalimat sebelum atau sesudahnya.
- Jawaban akan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan tenses akan sangat mudah sekali dicari jika kamu memahami dengan benar perbedaan antar tenses.
Tenses | Fungsi | Rumus | Keterangan Waktu |
Simple Present Tense | - berlaku sekarang - kebiasaan yang masih berlangsung - kebenaran umum/fakta | - Subj + to be (am/is/ are) + … - Subj + V1 (V1/V1+s/es) + … | Everyday/week/month, often, generally, usually, always, once, twice, … |
Present Continuous Tense | - kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang | - Subj + to be (am/is/ are) + V1+ing + … | Now, at present, today, … |
Present Perfect Tense | - kegiatan yang telah terjadi sampai waktu sekarang/baru saja terjadi | - Subj + (have/has) + V3 + … | For ….. , since, already, just, |
Simple Past Tense | - kegiatan pada masa lampau | - Subj + to be (was/ were) + … - Subj + V2 + … | Yesterday, last week/month, … ago |
Past Continuous Tense | - kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau | - Subj + to be (was/ were) + V1+ing + … | This time yesterday, at 10 last night, while, as, when, … |
Future Tense | - kegiatan yang dilakukan pada masa akan datang / belum terjadi | - Subj + (will/shall) + V1 + … - Subj + to be (am/is/ are) + going to + V1 | Tomorrow, next week/month/year, tonight |
1. No. 8/UN/2005
Anto : Did you go to the public library over there yesterday?
Iwan : Yes, and your nephew Rudi was there too. He … me his new address.
Anto : That’s good. So you can go to his house anytime without me.
Iwan : Sure
a. gives b. gave c. give d. given
2. No. 18/UN/2005
Yulia : Have you bought the material for your costume, Anna?
Anna : Yes, I have asked the dressmaker to sew them.
Yulia : When will your costume be finished?
Anna : In the next two days. Don’t worry I … them
a. take b. took c. will take d. am taking
3. No. 19/UN/2006
Hotma : We will have a vacation, won’t we?
Hotma : Nothing, what about you?
a. visit b. visited c. have visited d. am going to visit
4. No. 20/UN/2006
Idham : Can he speak English?
Fajar : Probably. He … the English course for 3 years.
a. is joining b. has joined c. will join d. joins
5. No. 20/UN/2006
Yemin Lovola is a Mexican girl. She … in
a. is b. was c. has been d. have been
6. No. 21/UN/2006
Shinta : Why didn't you come to the meeting yesterday?
Ratna : Sorry, Shin
Shinta : What's wrong?
Ratna : I … Mom prepare the meals for a meeting.
a. have helped b. will help c. helped d. help
7. No. 21/UN/2006
Teacher : Did you enjoy your vacation, boys and girls?
Adnan : Did You?
Sandi : Yes.
a. go b. went c. will go d. am going
8. No3/UN/2007/A
Lidya : What a lovely purse!
Anne : Thank you. I … it myself.
Lidya : Did you?
Anne : Yes, I did.
a. make b. made c. am making d. was making
9. No. 3/UN/2007/B
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in
a. marries b. married c. will marry d. have married
(kata tanya)
Question Words | Arti | Fungsi | Contoh |
Who | Siapa | Menanyakan orang | -Who is singing now? - Nila |
What | Apa | Menanyakan benda | -What did you buy in the stationary yesterday? - A bought a book |
Where | Dimana | Menanyakan tempat | -Where is your father? -He is un the bed room |
When | Kapan | Menanyakan waktu | -When did you visit -I went there a year ago |
Why | Mengapa | Menanyakan sebab/alasan | -Why do you come late? -Because of transportation |
Whose | Kepunyaan siapa | Menanyakan milik | -Whose book is it? -It is mine |
Which | Yang mana | Menanyakan pilihan | -Which dress do you like? -I like the red one |
How often | Seberapa sering | Menanyakan keseringan | -How often do you do to the cinema? -Once a month |
How Many | Seberapa banyak | Menanyakan jumlah (kata benda dapat dihitung) | -How many brothers do you have? -I have two brothers |
How Much | Seberapa banyak | Menanyakan jumlah (kata benda tidak dapat dihitung) | -How much water do you need? -I need three glasses |
Kata Tanya "How" mempunyai banyak variasi, antara lain: How far (seberapa jauh), how old (berapa umur), how long (seberapa panjang/lama), how good (seberapa baik), how weight (berapa berat), how wide (berapa lebar/luas), how deep (berapa dalam), dll
1. No.7/UN/2003
Mr. Hasan : My son is going to study abroad. He needs a new sweater. Do you have one?
Assistant : Sure, we have a lot. They are made in several sizes and colors. … sweater do you want, a red one or a black one.
Mr. Hasan : The red one, please.
Assistant : Here you are.
a. Who b. Where c. Which d. What
2. No. 9/UN/2005
Father : Boys, come here. I’ve got something for you.
Boys : Oh, what a surprise! Toy cars. Thank you, Dad
Father : Andi, … do you want?
Andi : Can I have the red one, please?
Agus : I don’t mind the blue one.
a. which one b. which ones c. what car d. whose car
3. No.26/UN/2005
Dita : People say that it is dangerous to swim in this river. … is it?
Ruri : About 6 meters, I think.
a. How long b. How good c. How deep d. How far
4. No.28/UN/2006
Tina : Yeah, it is. But I bet your country is beautiful too. I’d like to visit you in
Tina : By the way, … is
a. how long b. how far c. how height d. how old
5. No.2/UN/2007/A
Dony : … do you go fishing?
Deni : Once a week
a. How far b. How long c. How often d. How many
6. No.2/UN/2007/B
Lusi : … is your school from the bus station?
Anti : It's about two kilometres
a. How long b. How wide c. How far d. How
(pertanyaan untuk meyakinkan)
Ketentuan Umum:
Kalimat pernyataan | Question tag |
A. Kalimat pernyataan menggunakan To be (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had)
Example: - His father is a doctor, isn’t he?
- Julia wasn’t absent, was she?
- Linda has returned your book, hasn’t she?
B. Kalimat pernyataan menggunakan Modal (can, may, must, shall, will, could, might, should, would)
Example: - Rini can speak English well, can’t she?
- You won’t come late, will you?
C. Kalimat pernyataan menggunakan Kata kerja Bantu / auxiliary verb
Example: - You don’t know her name, do you?
- Andi didn’t work at Bank, did he?
D. Kalimat pernyataan Simple present tense
Example: - They go to work by bus, don’t they?
- She always comes early, doesn’t she?
E. Kalimat pernyataan Simple past tense
Example: - He went to the movie last night, didn’t he?
- Rani got the best mark in the English test, didn’t she?
1. No. 34/UAN/2003
Hasyim : Lampung has four star hotels, …
Ilyas : Yes, do you want to go there?
Hasyim : No, I just want to know.
a. don’t they? b. doesn’t it? c. hasn’t it? d. has it?
2. No. 27/UN/2005
Andien : You’ll have the audition next week, … ?
Delon : Yes, pray for me.
Andien : Good luck to you.
a. won’t you b. will you c. don’t you d. do you
3. No. 41/UN/2005
Ari : She usually travels by train, …
Adi : Yes, she prefers to go by train to bus because it’s more comfortable.
a. doesn’t she? b. does she? c. is she? d. won’t she?
4. No. 27/UN/2006
Aldi : Travelling by train is more comfortable than by bus, … ?
Ina : Yes, it’s cheaper, too.
a. don’t you b. aren’t you c. doesn’t it d. isn’t it
(penggabungan dua kalimat)
A. Penggabungan dua kalimat positif
……… + and + Subj + (modal/tobe/Aux V) + too (…………. .dan [subj] juga)
……… + and + so + (modal/tobe/Aux V) + subj (…………...dan demikian juga [subj] )
- Kalimat positif menggunakan modal
- Rini must study hard
- We must study hard
Rini must study hard and we must too
Rini must study hard and so must we
- Kalimat positif menggunakan To be
- Andy is a student
- I am a student
Andy is a student and I am too
Andy is a student and so am I
- Kalimat positif Simple present tense
- Dini always gets up early
- Rina always gets up early
Dini always gets up early and Rina does too
Dini always gets up early and so does Rina
- Kalimat positif Simple past tense
- She went to
- We went to
She went to
She went to
B. Penggabungan dua kalimat negatif
……… + and + Subj + (modal/tobe/Aux V) + not either (…………. .dan [subj] juga)
……… + and + neither + (modal/tobe/Aux V) + subj (…………...dan demikian juga [subj] )
Example: - I am not a teacher
- Andi is not a teacher
I am not a teacher and Andi is not either
I am not a teacher and neither is Andi
C. Penggabungan dua kalimat campuran(positif dan negatif)
……… + but/while + Subj + (modal/tobe/Aux V)
Example: 1. - I am a student
- Mr. Anton is not a student
I am a student but/while Mr. Anton isn’t
2. - I don’t agree to have a study tour to
- Andy agrees to have a study tour to
I don’t agree to have a study tour to
1. No. 53/UAN/2003
A forest guard saw a hunter and woodcutter in the jungle. He then approached them.
Hunter : I didn't shoot animals
Woodcutter :
a. I did too b. Neither did I c. So did I d. I don't either
2. No 58/UN/2005
Rica : What do you learn in the geography class?
Dian : A lot of things. We learn how to read maps, about our country’s natural resources, and so on.
Rica : Do you use encyclopaedia?
Dian : I don’t have an encyclopaedia and … does my teacher.
a. neither b. either c. so d. too
3. No 43/UN/2006
Annisa : Have you finished Mr. Obey’s assignment?
Rinto : Yes, of course, how about you?
Annisa : …
a. I have too b. So do I c. Neither have I d. I don’t either
(kata sambung)
1. And (dan)
Menghubungkan tambahan informasi (satu keadaan dan satu situasi)
Example: - Dina saw a cat and a mouse.
2. But (tetapi)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan yang saling bertentangan(sebab akibat)
Example: - My sister dropped the vase, but it didn’t break
3. Or (atau)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan yang menyatakan pilihan
Example: - Would you like to buy apple or orange?
4. So (dengan demikian)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan yang menyatakan hubungan sebab akibat (tapi bukan pertentangan)
Example: - It began to rain, so I opened my umbrella.
5. Because (karena)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan akibat sebab
Example: - She didn’t go to school because she was sick.
6. Although, even thought (meskipun)
Mengubungkan dua pernyataan yang menyatakan pertentangan(akibat sebab)
Example: - He didn’t go to bed early although he was really tired
7. When (ketika)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan yang terjadi pada saat bersamaan.
Example: - The rainbow happens when there is sunlight after the rain.
8. If (jika)
Menghubungkan dua pernyataan yang menyatakan persyaratan
Example: - If you study hard, you will pass the National Examination.
9. Both … and ….. (baik ….. maupun ….)
Example: - Both his sister and his brother study in
10. Not only but also (tidak hanya … tetapi juga …)
Example: - She is not only beautiful but also smart.
1. No. 48/UAN/2003
Lilik : I haven’t see Andriyani since this morning. Did you see her?
Lilik : Oh, I see.
a. or b. and c. but d. so
2. No. 48/UN/2005
Christ : Excuse me; I must go to bed now
Steve : Why? It’s only a quarter to nine
Christ : Well … I don’t want to come late for the conference tomorrow morning. Good night.
Steve : Have a good sleep
a. when b. thought c. because d. but
3. No. 54/UN/2005
Bogi : Could you tell me how to get to the
Koke : Sure. Right over there. You will … get information from it … you will get a member card for hiking.
a. not only, but, also b. but, also, not only c. also, but, not only d. but, not only, also
4. No. 49/UN/2006
Choose the best word to complete the message.
![]() |
a. although b. but c. and d. if
5. No. 50/UN/2006
Teacher : You’re late again. What happened this time?
Hengky : I overslept, Sir.
Teacher : … nobody woke you up?
Hengky : That’s right, Sir.
a. But b. So c. And d. Nevertheless
6. No. 35/UN/2007/A
… all the animals saw them coming, they ran away as fast as they could.
a. If b. So c. When d. And
A. Comparison of adverb (kata keterangan) and adjective (kata sifat)
Suku kata | Positive degree (kata dasar) | Comparative degree (lebih …) | Superlative degree (paling/ter …) |
Kata sifat | | | |
# satu suku kata | Fat Hard | Fatter Harder | Fattest Hardest |
# dua suku kata | Wise Clever Busy Pretty | Wiser Cleverer Busier Prettier | Wisest Cleverest Busiest Prettiest |
# tiga suku kata/lebih | Important Interesting | More important More interesting | Most important Most interesting |
# tak beraturan | Good Bad Much Many Little Old Far | Better Worse Worse More More Less Older/elder Farther/further | Best Worst Worst Most Most Least Oldest/eldest Farthest/furthest |
Kata keterangan cara | Carefully Slowly Well Badly | More carefully More slowly Better Worse | Most carefully Most slowly Best worst |
B. Comparison of positive degree (menyatakan persamaan kedudukannya/posisinya)
… As + positive adjective + as = sama … seperti
Example: - Tina is 16 years old. Doni is 16 years old = Tina is as old as Doni.
C. Comparison of comparative degree (ada yang lebih dari yang lain)
… Comparative adjective + than … = …. Lebih … daripada …
Example: -
- Didik got 9 for English test. Dodi got 7 = Dodik is cleverer than Dodi in English.
D. Comparison of superlative degree
… the + superlative adjective + … = … paling …..
Example: - Wina got 9 for mathematic. Andy got 8 and Ita got 6 = Wina is the cleverest student.
![]() |
1. No. 17/UN/2005
Harti : The game was very interesting
Ririn : was it? Who was the winner?
Harti : Wina. She is … than Julia.
a. smart b. as smart c. smarter d. the smartest
2. No. 45/UN/2005
Binoculars suitcase knap-sack
Rp. 550.000,00 Rp. 375.000,00 Rp. 100.000,00
Based on the pictures above, the binoculars are …
a. cheaper than the suit case c. the most expensive among them
b. the same prices as the knap-sock d. less expensive than the knap-sock
3. No. 56/UN/2005
A : How did Andy jog in the race?
B : He jog quickly
A : Really? How about Cendy?
B : He was the winner. So he jogged …
a. as quickly as the others c. more quickly than Andi
b. very quickly d. the quickest of all
4. No. 17/UN/2006
No | Appliances | Price |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | Microwave Vacuum Cleaner Washing Machine Refrigerator Electric Coffee maker | Rp. 1.950.000,00 Rp. 2.750.000,00 Rp. 1.250.000,00 Rp. 2.010.000,00 Rp. 237.000,00 |
The list shows that a washing machine is … a microwave.
a. the most expensive c. cheaper than
b. the same price as d. as cheap as
5. No. 6/UN/2007/A
Television Refrigerator Washing machine
Rp. 1.500.000,00 Rp. 2.200.000,00 Rp. 1.400.000,00
Based on the pictures above, the refrigerator is …
a. cheaper than the washing machine c. the most expensive
b. the cheapest of all d. as expensive as television
6. No. 6/UN/2007/B
a. large b. largest c. bigger d. smallest
(kata Bantu pengandaian)
Modal | Fungsi | Examples |
Can | - menyatakan kemampuan (ability) - menyatakan permintaan izin (permission) | - He can drive a car - Can I borrow your motorbike? |
Could | - bentuk lampau dari can - menyatakan permintaan dengan sopan | - Mother can swim well when she was young. - Could you take that book to me? |
May | - menyatakan izin - menyatakan kemungkinan | - He may not leave the lesson - He may be in his office |
Must | - menyatakan kewajiban - menyatakan kesimpulan | - We must study hard - She look pale and tired, she must be ill. |
Shall | - menyatakan suatu kegiatan akan dilakukan - untuk menawarkan bantuan | - I shall return your book - Shall I open the window? |
Should | - menyatakan saran | - She should not come late |
Will | - berarti akan - menyatakan ajakan / undangan | - We will visit - Will you come to my party? |
would | - bentuk lampau dari will - permintaan dengan sopan | - She said that she would help you - Would you open the window for me? |
1. No. 24/EBTANAS/2001
Nadya : … this letter?
Lisa : I’m sorry; I have some work to do.
a. Can I post c. Could you post
b. Should I post d. Would you like me to post
2. No. 5/UAN/2003
Reza : I’ve got a problem with my computer. … you repair it?
Rudy : Yes, but have you brought it a computer technician before?
Reza : Not, yet
Rudy : Bring your computer and I will check it
a. Will b. Shall c. Can d. Must
3. No. 7/UN/2005
Ivan : She is Lucy, my cousin
Ivan : Yes. Do you know she … speak four different languages?
a. must b. may c. can d. should
(kata ganti dan kata ganti tidak tentu)
Kata Ganti | Sebagai subject | Sebagai object | Sebagai possessive (kepemilikan) | Reflexive (…sendiri) | |
+ Nuon (k.benda) | - Noun | ||||
Orang pertama tunggal | I | Me | My … | Mine | Myself |
Orang kedua tunggal | You | You | Your … | Yours | Yourself |
Orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki | He | Him | His … | His | Himself |
Orang ketiga tunggal perempuan | She | Her | Her … | Hers | Herself |
Orang pertama jamak | We | Us | Our … | Ours | Our selves |
Orang kedua jamak | You | You | Your … | Yours | You selves |
Orang ketiga jamak | They | Them | Their … | Their | Them selves |
Benda/binatang tunggal | It | It | Its … | - | Their |
Benda/binatang jamak | They | Them | Their | - | Them selves |
No | | Orang | Benda | Tempat |
1 | Some… (beberapa) | Somebody | Something | Somewhere |
2 | Any… (ada) | Anybody | Anything | Anywhere |
3 | None(tidak ada) | Nobody | Nothing | Nowhere |
4 | Every…(setiap) | Everybody | Everything | Everywhere |
1. No. 41/UAN/2003
Roni : Did you enjoy your holiday, Tina?
Tina : Of course I did. … felt very happy except Ervan. He lost his shoes.
a. Everybody b, Anybody c. Nobody d. Somebody
2. No. 46/UN/2005
Cici : I can’t find my Biology book. Does … know where it is?
Betty : Eko came here just now and took the book. He is going to get it in the afternoon
Cici : I see.
a. everybody b. nobody c. anybody d. somebody
3. No. 36/UN/2007/A
…………………………….. When all animals saw them coming, … ran away as fast as they could. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
a. he b. it c. she d. they
4. No. 35/UN/2007/B
…………………….. ……..I pulled in the line and to my surprise; there was a small fish at the end of the line. … was so small that I did not feel anything on the line. ……………………..
a. It b. She c. He d. They
A. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN (kata ganti penunjuk)
1. Some – any
a. Some
· Dipakai dalam kalimat positif
· Diikuti kata beda tidak dapat dihitung
Ex: There is only some oil in the bottle
· Diikuti kata benda dapat dihitung jamak
Ex: There are some books in the cupboard
b. Any
· Dipakai dlam kalimat negatif dan kalimat Tanya
Ex: - There isn’t any water in the reservoir
- Do you still have any money?
· Diikuti kata banda dapat dihitung atau kata benda tidak dapat dihitung
Ex: - There isn’t any water in the reservoir
- She doesn’t have any books.
· Berarti ‘sembarang’ bila dipakai dalam kalimat positif
Ex: You may read any book you like.
2. Little – few / a little – a few
a. Little – a little
· Berarti sedikit. Diikuti kata benda tidak dapat dihitung
Ex. I have only a little money
b. Few – a few
· Berarti sedikit. Diikuti kata benda dapat dihitung jamak
Ex: There are only a few books in the bag
3. A lot of – many - much
a. a lot of
· Berarti banyak. Diikuti kata benda dapat dihitung dan tidak dapat dihitung
Ex: - Father has a lot of hens.
- She has a lot of money
b. Many
· Berarti banyak. Diikuti kata benda dapat dihitung jamak
Ex: Father keeps many rabbits
c. Much
· Berarti banyak. Diikuti kata benda tidak dapat dihitung
Ex: There is much water in the reservoir
B. UNIT OF MEASUREMENT (pembilangan)
q a bar of soap = sepotong sabun
q a bowl of rice = semangkok nasi
q a bunch of banana = sesisir pisang
q a bunch of flower = seikat bunga
q a block of salt = sebongkah garam
q a cup of tea = secangkir kopi
q a piece of paper = secarik kertas
q a pair of shoes = sepasang sepatu
q a slice of meat = seiris daging
q a slice of onion = seiris bawang
q a slice of bread = sepotong roti
q a spoonful of sugar = sessendok gula
1. No. 29/UN/2000
Mother : Nadya, please bring me some salt!
Nadya : There is not … salt left in the container. Shall I buy some?
a. a few b. some c. any d. many
2. No. 9/UAN/2003
Rita : Mom, I would like t make an omelette. What ingredients do I need to prepare?
Mother : Prepare two or three eggs, five … of onion, a little chilli, and some coconut oil.
a. sheet b. slices c. slice d. sacks
3. No. 42/UN/2005
Fenny : Which newspaper is yours? This one or that one?
Yudo : … of them
Fenny : Are they?
Yudo : Yes. Because not only the
a. Some b. Each c. Both d. None
4. No. 54/UN/2005
Books, which give instructions on how to do things, are very popular in the
a. a little b. none c. both d. a few
(kalimat persyaratan)
If + present tense, present future
S + V1/+s/es S + shall/can + V1
Example: - If she invites me, I will come to the party
- If he doesn’t study hard, he won’t pass the National Exam
- If the weather is fine, we will climb up the mountain
If + past perfect, past future
S + V2/was/were, S + should/could + V1
Example: - If he came late, the teacher would be angry
- If she studied hard, she would pass the test
- If he were ill, he would see the doctor
If + past perfect, past future perfect
S + had + V3 S + should/could + have + V3
1. Joni : Have you decided to buy the computer today?
Ratna : I can’t say anything. I will buy if …
a. if the price goes down c. if it is expansive
b. if father gave me the money d. if the price goes up
What /how+ Adjective + Noun + Subject(pronoun) + Predicate(tobe)
Example: - What a wonderful temple it is (alangkanh menakjubkannya candi itu)
- How beautiful that artist she is (alangkah cantiknya artis itu)
1. No. 47/UN/2005
Mini : Wow, …
Lili : Yes, this is also the fastest cruise. It is called “quick cat”
Mini : How long does it take to get to
Lili : Only 45 minutes
a. what’s a ship c. what a boring cruise is!
b. what a fast cruise it is! d. what a luxurious cruise it is!
2. No. 33/UN/2006
Dion : Wow! … ! Is it yours?
Nita : Yes. I bought it last month
Dion : It is very expensive, isn’t it?
Nita : Not really. I am sure you can buy a car like this.
a. what luxurious car is it c. How luxurious car is it
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