ar / table/ prasa sangat diperlukan dalam menjawab pertanyaan. Langkah – langkah dalam menjawab pertanyaan mengenai gambar / table/ prasa adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Lihat / baca gambar / table/ prasa sekilas saja.
2. Setelah itu baca dan pahami dengan benar – benar pertanyaan atau perintahnya juga jika perlu beserta pilihannya.
3. selanjutnya carilah jawabannya dengan melihat / membaca gambar / table/ prasa dengan teliti.
1. Picture
No. 15/UN/2005
Yanto : I usually play … with my friends.
a. dodge ball c. volley ball
b. jumping rope d. hide and seek
- No. 14/UN/2006
Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.
Azizah : Hi, Maridi. How are you?
Maridi : Dine, did you join the study tour to
last month?
Azizah : Sure. I visited Mr. Wayan Surya. He is a …
Maridi : Did he make many statue?
Azizah : Yes. And you know his work is so amazing.
a. sculptor c. curator
b. painter d. orator
- No. 42/UN/2007/A
Look at the picture
Where do you usually find the sign above?
a. In the class room c. In the garden
b. On the bus d. On the train
2. Table / Chart
- No. 29/UN/2005
Look at the chart below. It is about Tony’s routine activities!
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1. gets up at 5 a.m | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö |
2. Has breakfast | Ö | | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö |
3. plays football in the afternoon | Ö | | Ö | | Ö | | Ö |
4. watches TV in the evening | | | | | | | |
5. goes to bad at 9 p.m | Ö | Ö | Ö | | Ö | Ö | Ö |
The chart shows that Tony … watches TV in the evening.
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. never
- No. 49,50/UN/2005
49. Which country got the most medals?
50. Which country got the most bronze medals?
- No. 28,29/UN/2006
Day | Fl. No | ETD | ETA | Aircraft |
To | | | | |
1246 257 | SD12 SG12 | 06.15 16.15 | 11.30 11.30 | F-100 B-737 |
To | | | | |
1234567 1234567 1234567 1346 257 1234567 | SG211 SG504 SG622 SG813 SG813 SG506 | 09.30 11.00 11.35 15.50 15.50 17.30 | 11.45 13.15 14.50 18.05 18.05 19.45 | A-300 B-737 F-100 F-100 B-737 B-737 |
Notes: 1234567 = Monday - Sunday Fl. No = Flight Number ETD = Estimated Time of Departure ETA = Estimated Time of arrival | Aircraft: F-100 = Fokker 100 F-27 = Fokker 27 B-737 = Boeing 737 A-300 = Airbus 300 |
28. What is the text about?
a. Flight schedules
b. An advertisement
c. An estimated time of arrival
d. An estimated time of departure
29. If you want to fly to
a. SG813 b. SG622 c. SG504 d. SG211
- No. 8 dan 9 UN/2008/A
8. The graph tells us the students’ achievement …
a. since 2004 c. for the last five years
b. in three years d. for the last four years
9. What subject got the highest achievement in the year 2006?
a. Religion b. Indonesian c. English d. Mathematics
3. Word Phrase
¨ No smoking = dilarang merokok
¨ No parking = dilarang parkir
¨ No turn = dilarang berbelok
¨ Be quite = dilarang bersuara
¨ Be careful = hati - hati
¨ Watch out = awas / hati –hati
¨ Don’t worry = jangan kawatir
¨ Look out = lihatlah
¨ Hurry up = cepat
¨ I'm positive = ya/setuju
¨ Keep off children = hindari dari jangkauan anak - anak
¨ Keep off the grass = not allowed to walk on the grass = dilarang menginjak rumput
¨ No littering = don’t drop litter = do not throw rubbish here = dilarang membuang sampah di sini
¨ Don’t use products made of protected animals = we must save protected animals = jagalah hewan – hewan yang dilindungi negara
¨ Fragile, handle with care = barang mudah pecah, hati – hati membawanya
¨ Fasten /use your seatbelt = kencangkan/ gunakan sabuk pengamanmu
¨ Waiting room = ruang tunggu
¨ Heavy traffic in cawing = inform the people so that they can choose a better route = macet di cawang
¨ Use the hand dryer = we should use our hand to dry something = gunakan tangan untuk mengeringkan
1. No. 7/UN/2007/A
The notice means that … the grass.
a. We are allowed to cut
b. We are allowed to pick up
c. We must not walk on
d. We must not clean
2. No. 21/UN/2007/A
This notice means …
b. Do not throw rubbish here
c. Bring your own rubbish
d. Do not pick up the rubbish
3. No. 7/UN/2007/B
Sonny : Hi, John, … the road is slippery because of the rain just now.
John : Al right, Son. Don’t worry; we will drive down the hill slowly.
a. be careful b watch out c. look up d. hurry up
4. No. 21/UN/2007/B
The label above means that we have to carry the stuff …
a. gently and carefully c. carelessly and quickly
b. Hurried and quickly d. recklessly and quickly
5. No. 43/UN/2007/B
Where do you usually find this
a. In the truck
b. In the bus
c. In the ship
d. In the plane
6. No. 7 UN/2008/B
It means …
a. The place is specials for you as visitor
b. This is a place for you to visit
c. You cannot wait anyone here
d. You should not stay here
7. No. 4 UN/2008/A
Read this notice.
Heavy traffic in Cawang
It is meant …
a. to give warning about an accident in heavy traffic.
b. To forbid the drivers to enter the free way in Cawang
c. To allow the drivers to enter the free way from cawing
d. To inform the people so that they can choose a better route
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